Mike Richartz

Research Associate  

Michel (Mike) Richartz has studied medieval and modern history as well as history of religions at the University of Liège. In 2023 he was awarded the degree of doctor at the same University on the topic of „Becoming and remaining a Prince of the Empire. Rank and power of the Dukes of Limbourg in the 12th and early 13th centuries“.

A history teacher at the Athénée de Luxembourg, Mike Richartz has worked as ‚professeur détaché‘ at the University of Luxembourg since 2021. Since 2017, in cooperation with Melanie Noesen, he teaches as an associate lecturer the didactics of History in the BSCE (Bachelor en Sciences de l’Education) and from 2024 onwards in the MAHEC (Master in European Contemporary History).

His fields of research are the medieval political history of the duchy of Limbourg, of the county of Luxembourg and of lower Lotharingia in the 12th and 13th centuries. He also undertakes research in didactics of History.

MSH, 2.317

