Master en histoire européenne contemporaine (académique)
(De)coding Europe
A historical perspective is key to enabling tomorrow’s professionals to deal with socio-political issues of the future.
The Master in European Contemporary History encourages historical approaches to contemporary European issues and provides in-depth training on issues such as:
– the political and socio-economic aspects of the European integration and construction process;
– the construction of social and cultural identity throughout Europe;
– intra- and extra-European migration and Europe’s relations with other global regions.
Students can either specialise in “European history in the long term“ or in “History of the European integration process“.
Training experts in digital humanities
The master’s programme puts special emphasis on Digital Humanities and Public History. Students learn to use digital history tools and methodologies to transfer and adapt traditional narrating techniques and develop their own ways of telling (hi)stories, both for academic and non-academic audiences.
Through the analysis and classification of digital and digitised source material, the master’s programme offers innovative teaching and learning approaches.